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Robotics Class

In a four-week period, I printed, assembled and programmed a 3D-printed myoelectric prosthetic hand using an Arduino board with individually moving fingers powered by servo motors.


Engineering World Health Design Project

For many clinics in developing world countries, supply to electricity is unreliable. As a the ECD club president, I led a design team on creating a low-cost solar powered sterilization device using locally found materials.

ROMP Guatemala

Developed sheets for patients regarding types of amputation, process of visits, exercises, and maintenance of prosthetic components.


Engineering Community Development - Belmopan, Belize

Access to clean, safe drinking water improves health for the community. As an project leader, my team and I implemented a bio-sand water filter at a church/school in Belmopan, Belize.

Engineering Community Development - Fries, VA

For water treatment centers, dams are used to capture a steady supply of water. I managed a team of 6 students in mixing mortar, collecting large stones, and finishing the final section of an incomplete dam.

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Washington and Lee University Summer Research

Hackflight is a project designed to simplify code and hardware to understand how MAVs (drones) work. For research, I helped incorporate the same firmware used on a drone into a V-Rep simulator.

Social Entrepreneurship Class

Created a business model to a social mission of improving healthy food access throughout Appalachian Virginia.

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