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Engineering Community Development

Dates: Trip Preparation September 2016 through February 2017, Week-long trip in February 2017

Groups involved: Engineering Community Development based (ECD) to Belmopan, Belize. Funded by Washington and Lee university’s ECD student-led-club, Center for International Education, Provost’s Office, Department of Physics and Engineering, and student contributions


Belize Basecamp -



Access to clean, safe drinking water can improve public health through preventing bacterial diseases, but also remove costs of purchasing bottled water/ bag water. Bio-Sand water filters  have been researched in labs and in the field to remove bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and helminths (worms) from contaminated water as seen here.


Project Details:

Led a team of 8 students on a weeklong project implementation of a Bio-Sand Water filter for filtering tap water for a church in the process of building an elementary school. Corresponded with local partners for travel, housing, project implementation, and building trust. Trained students on creating concrete, procuring parts, and laying courses of block, while also training the local staff on how to maintain and use the Bio-sand water Filter for best performance.

Recruited a team of 8 students in total with relevant background experience in engineering and community engagement. Stored filtered water in a Rotoplas bin for collection and refilling of recyclable bottles. As a result of this project, I received the Akins Engineering Award for engineering excellence and social commitment to the community.


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